
Change for the Whole

Change is necessary. It is the basis of all life. Like the nature, trees, flowers and plants are forming new cells all the time and changing appearance depending on the time of the year. In the winter it looks they are dying, but no, they are still alive - waiting to blossom when the sun glimmers again. They are changing their deepest form and making adaptations to the environment.

If we, humans are a part of the nature (are we?) we should also change. Few understands that we change our whole body matters totally in 7 years. Of course we have our genetic codes but there is so much we can change - in a year we change almost 98% of our matter. The thing that prevents us not to see it is our programming. The programming tells us, that we have a personality. We are separate, special individuals. That belief affects our every thought and act. We can improve our physical, mental and social skills (to be better than others) but thats it. That is what is enough for the mind.

Changing (also called growth) is usually not fun. It might almost feel like dying. That is one reason why we resist change and prefer to stay in a same, secure state. That is what is also programmed into us thousands years ago - security is one basic human need. Staying in a comfort zone protects us from danger but also - prevents us to develop.

Feeling suddenly extreme emotions: love (even unconditional), peace (never felt this kind of peace before), pain (autch, it wasn't a bliss all the time) or confusion (who is talking in my head?) is a great sign. It is a sign of the upcoming big breaking. Looking at you in a big picture it means that we are adapting to the new environment and some individuals are finally ready to change big. The environment has different needs for humans now than before - we are now in the middle of a crisis. If you don't see the crisis you still wear your sunglasses on. The pressure demands that we need new skills, which are totally different than before. That is call adapting to the needs of the environment. That is also called evolution.

I love every moment no matter if it's joy, peace, love, pain or confusion. Especially when it hurts so bad you think it is eternal...Yes I love it. I accept it. Because I know it is not me who is suffering. It hurts because I am giving up on something. I don't have a clue what it is, but something is braking. And the more I give up on something, the more I can just be. Be and live without limitations and conditions. Step towards pure love. Suffer is usually a necessary period to go forward because if everything is fine you don't wanna change. This is something just need to be done and go through. Not for me, but for the Whole.

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